

From My Heart


October 2014

Edwin Smith – Ordinary Beauty

Disclaimer: This is my personal account of my visit to one of RIBA's photography exhibition, which inspired me in many levels. I would like to apologise if I had some facts wrong, and please advise me on them if you... Continue Reading →

Do No Harm by Henry Marsh

This is the second book that made me tear up with joy, amazement and understanding by just reading the preface. The first is "The Quranic Phenomenon" by a German engineer named Bennabi. I have yet to finish that book as... Continue Reading →


Here I am in this unfamiliar place, yet I could feel the presence of two persons that I miss quite a lot; one more than the other. You, and you. Both of you were born only two days apart in... Continue Reading →


I was sitting alone at Central Station sipping my cappuccino slowly when I saw an elderly man holding a pink back pack on one hand, and the other hand holding his granddaughter's hand. She's probably about five year old. They... Continue Reading →

Just Some Thoughts on Photography

I may have said this before, but I'm going to talk about this again. I have always wanted to be able to capture nice photographs. When I was young, I loved to browse through Malaysia Airline's in-flight magazine, Going Places,... Continue Reading →

Tough Love

"Show gentleness, for if gentleness is found in anything, it beautifies it and when it is taken out from anything it damages it." * * * A colleague of mine told me before, that he believed gentle reminders don't work,... Continue Reading →

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